New Static Blog Using Hugo
By Laban Sköllermark (@LabanSkoller)
Inpired by Hackeriet’s blog where Alexander Kjäll use to post CTF write-ups, I’ve decided to create a personal one for myself. Focus will be on IT security.
Hackeriet’s blog is powered by Jekyll which is a static site generator written in Ruby. See their post Creating a fast blog for how they set up their blog.
I have decided to try another static site generator called Hugo, which is written in Go. By using a pre-built binary I don’t need Ruby or Go installed. Hugo is just one file: hugo
. After some initial configuration in the site’s git I can add a new blog post using
$ hugo new blog/
and preview the post locally using
$ hugo server --buildDrafts
When I’m happy with the results I can remove the draft status, push a commit and render the whole site into the public/
directory on the server by running just
$ hugo
UPDATED 2019-07-11: The source of this website is now available at GitHub: