CSN: Original Incorrect PIN Message in Swedish
By Laban Sköllermark (@LabanSkoller)
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personlig kod från CSN --- Observera --- Din personliga kod är fel.
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och måste beställa ny personlig kod. --- Fyll i ditt personnummer samt din
personliga kod. Har du glömt din personliga kod? [Länk: Beställ en ny personlig
kod.] --- Inloggning med personlig kod [Hjälp] --- Personnummer (ÅÅMMDDXXXX):
[textruta] --- Personlig kod: [textruta] --- [Logga in]](../images/csn_swe_wrong_pin.png)
This is an attachment to the blog post about Brute-Forcing Borrowers’ PINs at the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN).
By Laban Sköllermark (@LabanSkoller)
This is an attachment to the blog post about Brute-Forcing Borrowers’ PINs at the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN).